Sunday 15 December 2013

Terry and jill Eckersley Christmas newsletter 2013

Terry & Jill Eckersley
Newsletter yearly 2013 update
Glory to God in the highest, Peace on earth, to all men and women on whom His favour rests!
 The story begins.
Christmas Newsletter


After the end of an era always comes a new one. After 20 years serving the vulnerable and marginalised communities in the UK & world as CEO  within the YMCA, it was time to move on, move up & share the life changing Gospel message more freely, and this started with my autobiography Born Ready. It is always a challenge moving from the old to the new, especially when you have built a work from scratch. I really want to honour the hard work and my career/calling within the YMCA. I have had over 15 years of fruitful life, career, calling, especially to people in need, as  I once was! I will add the press release from this book at the end of newsletter. I had been working on this for 12 years, but after the end of the Surrey & YMCA season, I was able to work wholeheartedly for 9 months on the book, after working on this from time to time for the last 12 years.
It was a real challenge, re-living my story, working through again, prayerfully some real challenging memories and issues. Like Derek Prince said about his biography, " It was like digging a dead man up".
This was because I'd spent 22 years, putting my old man to death & renewing my mind, body & spirit to the new creation I have/we have become in Christ. 2 Cor 5-17.
JJohn my good friend and now I'm honoured to be an associate Evangelist with him, really helped get this launched, and many other great associations have begun.

Enjoy this newsletter, we are truly amazed and encouraged at what has been accomplished not even one year into our next leg of our new journey together.
I met with Justin Dowd at Compassion, I've agreed to give 10% of book profits to support the leadership programme. This is explained on the book multiple ordering form. They do a great job. I'm going to Haiti in December 2013 to see, thus support and be an ambassador for the work. Supporting the poorest Children on the planet in a sustainable way.


I first met John at his Evangelists conference and Jill and I are friends with other associates, Barry Woodward of Proclaim Trust, who we have supported for a while now, we have donated books to his Fixed Conference 2013 for his work with addicts. Rev Andy Econemedies of The Soteria Trust, Steve Legg, who's also Editor of The Christian Men's Mag Sorted, whom we have just had a three page feature.

I kept hearing the name Bill Partington who is head of strategic partnerships. We met Bill & the team & felt a very strong divine connection in friendship & spirit. This initial meeting has led to numerous TV & Radio spots to start production.
UCB has now grown to be a leading Christian media ministry and is spread across two sites.
CVM We met Carl Beech, guest speaker at a UCB leaders day, shortly after I spoke at a CVM in our native Rotherham, seeing many men encouraged and many men hearing The Gospel for the first time.

I first met Peter Gladwyn 10 years ago when he was a probation officer! Peter is now also a full time Evangelist on the back of his powerful autobiography of the above name. We have shared much together including a powerful & successful trip into Thorne Cross Youth Offenders Institute. (YOI.) I also shared in there, Jill sang & we donated lots of free books again. As we get established we want to give more inspirational resources to the depths I was delivered from.
We have also sent out FREE copies of Born Ready into ALL the YOIs and (WP) women's prisons in and around South Yorkshire! Also through our local Church Prison Chaplain Andrew, we have donated a substantial amount of books & the booklet True Apprentice. This is an area we want to continue to prayerfully & intelligently get The Gospel to AS MANY Prisoners as we possibly can. We can do this through strategic partnerships and by people/organisations Sponsoring us & books to go in & minister The Gospel.

Muslims, Sikhs & Hindus coming to Christ Jesus as Saviour, Healer & Lord
In Feb 2013 I was invited by an old friend from my time in Southampton, Romail Gulzar of Pukaar News. His brother in law, Canon Javaid Iqbal, oversaw about 3 Churches in Leicester. One was on the market to be sold for about £300k, however many people of different faiths and nationalities began to get converted to Christ! He and the Bishop, scratched there heads, The Bishop commissioned a converted Muslim professor as an Evangelist, and employed him, put him in the parsonage and took the Church off the market! We where move to the top of the list to minister into what The Lord Is doing there. My message was Translated  in Urdu, in Leicester UK, opposite UKs biggest Sikh temple!!! Also to be broadcast on
I spoke on the theme, It's all working out! From Romans 8-28, this message was greatly received & translated in Urdu, with many people from different nationalities & faiths coming to accept Jesus as saviour, Lord & healer! Many weeping at the altar. This was filmed and is due to be broadcast on Isaac TV.
Letter from inmate.
Here is a letter/email we received after our recent time of ministry.
Hi,its JOHN SMITH name changed  here.I met you very briefly in Thorn Cross(H.M.P.) I was the scouse drummer you spoke to on the way out. I read the book you gave me 'Born Ready' and was really impressed,inspirational! We have a few things in common such as the love for the Clash and especially Joe Strummer(God Bless) Reggae, motorcycles,and punk rock changed my life as well.I also love the gym and have gained various qualifications while inside(Focus Level 2Gym instructor) I have also been studying with the Open University
and have nearly completed an open foundation degree in Sports Science. I own with my partner Sharon, a restaurant in Crosby Liverpool called the Lemon Tree,which at the moment is number one AGAIN on Trip advisor, out of 565 restaurants in Liverpool. So something is working. We are looking to expand and invest in the business.I was hoping that you may be coming back to Thorn Cross and that i could get some advice from you concerning the business and some other matters. So until i hear from you, take care and God Bless. Gary Shields.
We will continue to support this prisoner, prison and others as we move forwards together in this work.
Just before Christmas 2012, I visited Bulgaria taking aid, love, gifts and The Gospel to orphanages, also speaking in many very poor Gypsy Churches & communities & also
The large New Generation large Church is Sophia with Pastor Plamen & Debbie. We where hosted by Pastor Tommy & stayed at the Bible Society
Head quarters there. I went with a friend who heads up a Charity called where there's a need. In his own words,
"Why 'Where there's a need'?...
Our pragmatic approach to helping these Precious Children and those who need it most started in 2008. On our first visit we were taken to a 0-3 year Orphanage.
I was led into a room of 0-18 months and the first baby boy I met was standing in his cot looking straight at me with the most beautiful smile. He wrapped his little arms around me and squeezed his face into my neck. After walking around with him for 10 minutes it was time to put him back. However, he clung onto me like not wanting to be put back down. Prizing him off, putting him back in his cot and then walking away as he cried was Heartbreaking.
These experiences never leave you, and just as we were once spiritually orphaned children who cried out from a sincere broken heart and experienced the tender loving kindness of Jesus, and were adopted as Son's, so must we "who can" respond to this desperate cry.
I'm reminded in John 14 v 18 when Jesus say's; "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you" Those resounding words are compelling especially when we consider James 1 v 27"
It was a joy to see faces of joy when we took gifts & The Gospel message of love & power. They appreciated and where blessed by our ministry so much, we have been invited back to hold some open air Gospel campaigns spring 2013.
We have been asked to come back & do so e outdoor campaigns in Spring 2013 & visit orphanages and Churches again.
We first met the Director of an outreach into the red light area there a few years ago, whilst holidaying, are we ever of duty!? He wanted some advice. We then met the local Pastor and a great ministry friendship & connection began. We love Bill & Roz & The Church & Living Room, drop in/outreach & have enjoyed friendship & ministry out there now for a few years. Preaching in ALL there locations and outreaches and done a great open air, men's breakfast. This is a tremendous ministry, reaching the lost & broken & including them in the Tenerife Family Church Family. We feel a real friendship & connection with this work and at time of writing Pastor Bill will be visiting us the next week, 2nd week in March 2013.
I have felt a strong connection and call to New York for 15+ years, this is my third trip in March 2013 for a prayer breakfast, & also getting to encourage and speak into a HUGE Foster Complex, Our continuum of services reaches thousands of children and families living in New York City annually ministering to thousands of Orphans every year. This has come from a relationship I first made via the YMCA and another Bill, who oversaw the C Project, magnifying the Christ within the YMCA.
 I will update you on this work and others as we continue to progress.
We are now registered with Christian Stewardship services, so if you want to support us as we now share The Gospel, locally, nationally & all over the world as we are invited and led, this process is now set up, simple and we can get gift aid also.
Please be assured we are not putting any effort into building a fundraising machine or project. We feel The Lord wants us to spend ourselves now purely on The Gospel, and thus donate ALL our time, effort, energy and prayer into winning people to Jesus and all He has for them. Simply doing the work of an Evangelist. Ephesians 4-11. Please realise we will not be offended if you can't sponsor us financially, continue to stay friends, be encouraged and lets pray for each other. We value, love and appreciate you and continue to pray for you as we enjoying doing life together.
New York, New England Tour March 2013. Terry Eckersley

Firstly we want to thank my dear long time friend Bill Tetrault for inviting & organising The Born Ready tour. I first met Bill around 10 hears ago at an international conference with his desire to magnify The Christ & the Christian mission of The YMCA. We have had an amazing 10 days and 14 speaking engagements!! I spoke at many different places from Orphanages, Churches of differing flavours, slept & spoke in a rehab & The Bronx. I was especially moved by the great work & ministry to "the least of these", wow! I managed to have one chilled day in Time Square, and went to the top of The Empire State Building. We thank God for the opportunities to become friends, share and see so many responding to Jesus and ALL He has done, and many reports of refreshing, healing and encouragement.

We loved getting to meeting Terry Eckersley and putting you to work for the Kingdom in our part of the Northeast…and look forward to partnering again!  It was an honor for me…and likewise, I consider it a divine strategic partnership that God put together for a purpose.  May God continue to bless you and your wife…and we will look for the best way to use you to encourage and challenge people through your life testimony and winsome spirit.  I do not think the Lord is finished with you in New England!
 Pastor Dan McCandless New England USA

I did miss seeing my wife Jill who some of you know personally or brought through her album Secret Place. We are planning a vacation next and prayerfully considering when next to come back to the USA. We have had many invitations back to speak, Jill sings and we want to do this in a prayerfully and intelligent manner, for maximum leverage for The Gospel. This seems to be developing in the New York and New England areas with new reason, new season, divine strategic partners.

Terry Eckersley was a surprise guest for a women's  gathering at the New England Prayer Center on March 28th.

Terry  Eckersley draws people to an understanding  of the importance to “Be in God  presence.
He had a beautiful testimony of God’s Love.
He also had a word of knowledge for a woman, calling her name, resulting in a deliverance of negative thoughts about herself.
We look forward to having Terry back with us on the future.
Gina blaze/Co Director of the New England Prayer Center

Hi Terry,

Good to hear from you and glad you had a good trip!
You are welcome and thanks so much for taking the time to be with us and for allowing the Lord to use you in such significant ways while you were here!

Thanks for your prayers and we look forward to learning how things are developing with possibilities for your speaking at the Black Rock Church men's retreat in September.
Bill T.
I enjoyed having some time to meet with you last week. I hope we are able to see each other again. Thank you for your wisdom and perspective.
Tom Orr
I talked about you all weekend to my Salvation Army buddies.  You were such a blessing while you were here and because I know that God is so wonderful, you will still be one from a distance. Please continue you to let God use you so powerfully.  His presence is evident in your life. All our best to your wife as well!
God bless you, brother!
John Thompson Salvation Army

Yonkers YMCA Good Friday Prayer Breakfast
My trip culminated in an amazing Good Friday celebratory prayer breakfast. This was a tremendous of The Church, YMCA and other key ministries and individuals working and enjoying life and friendship TOGETHER. this really was world shaking and history making........if this continues, history proves this and success leaves clues! I also shared with around 500 Church, business & community leaders and gave an award and follow up copies of The True Apprentice, I have had much positive feedback about this.
FREE resources
My full story in Born Ready is available through Amazon or my website you can also sign up for our newsletter and my web guy will send this out in that format.  I will also  give FREE copies. Another FREE DVD & soon Jills CD is available through resources. So my friends, enjoy Easter, stay blessed and catch up real soon. Please pass on this newsblast to any relevant parties. We am so grateful for Gods grace, your friendship, divine timing and partnerships and Jill and I look forward to getting to know you more and seeing you more.
Please pray for us as we continue pray for you.
Much love & prayers, Terry & Jill

Summer 2013 Sunny, Smiling Update!

Hi, our dear friends,

We have had a really fruitful, fun and effective Summer! With a couple of challenges that we overcame with faith, friendship and prayer, our trusted car, got sick and died!

It was missing on one cylinder for you who are mechanically minded, this seemed minor but after going through changing plugs, spark ones! Leads, jump not dog ones and coils, it wouldn't get better, so we had to let it die, we didn't want to & couldn't anyway through good money at an uncertainty, but..........Thanks be to God, the finance came in to buy Jill's favourite car a more modest yet funky street KA, 1.6 injection, so we can get around the UK doing what Gods called us to do. Sharing the simple, yet powerful Gospel message, coupled with my testimony & humour. Jill and I often travel together and Jill often does musical items, worship songs, from her self titled Secret Place debut album. We have been seeing an incredible response. I would not be alive without this same message and life of Gods grace, healing power and love.


We have had a fruitful time in three prisons, Thorncross, Nottingham and Feltham.

Thorncross was on the back of a taskjesus outreach we did, where 12 of my old school friends came to hear my testimony and respond to The Gospel, this was very moving, amazing and a real blessing. Others also responded to the Gospel and we prayed for the sick.
The Prison event was open air, many came and heard my story and responded to the altar call, a worship band was Compassion from Manchester also in with us, who helped with praying with us and the Chaplaincy team under the leadership of Anglican Chaplain Shawn  who is doing an amazing job.

Nottingham Prison, again, I shared my testimony and many prisoners responded fervently to the invitation for Salvation, really hungry, and God moved and met many men and the  officers, where also encouraged and really responsive!

We had a great time in Feltham YOI, Youth Offenders Institute, the largest in Europe. I spoke at both Sunday services and we saw 24 young men respond to Salvation, many lung fatherless, gang members, looking for love and affirmation, as I was, who could relate to my story and a loving God, who saves, heals and provides. We then went on to do some " True Apprenticeship" coaching, discipleship, many more came back and brought there friends, to become disciples, leaders and followers of Christ. Please continue to pray for these men and the Chaplain Matt Boyes, and his team who are doing an outstanding job.

This has inspired us to do a very simple training DVD pack for Chaplains and Prisoners FREE! We can get the Gospel and discipleship message  told in a user friendly way, by me, who has proved that trusting and following Jesus works. We have done this with many other friends and partners and look forward to releasing this soon. It has themes such as new beginnings, true apprenticeship, career, calling, destiny, new family, friends and partners, etc, basically all people need for a new start in Christ. We also share other organisations, Churches and ministries that can help support Prisoners upon release. If you want to help with the cost of producing and distributing this, you can do this easily via the website. We really appreciate any financial support you can give to this. We will also give a gift of this to anyone who is excited with us and wants to get on board with this amazing initiative.

Jill and I have also just returned from Calvary Church with our friends and AOG  Pastors  Richard and Joyce Hill.  We did three meetings over the weekend, an outreach on the Friday followed by a men's lunch and a Sunday morning celebration. This was truly inspiring, a woman was healed of deafness in one ear, who was translated to by The Pastors wife! God really moved and blessed His people. This was as Jill was singing an item at the altar call, it was in the moment, powerful, wonderful and the Church went wild!

We are now Born Ready for a weekend of meetings with our friends from The Arena Church a vibrant, growing amazing Church at Derby and Ilkerston, who have just bought a cinema to convert to a Church and community centre. We are honoured and excited to be with our friends Pastors Kristian Thorpe, his wife and team. We are going to be working more closely with this Church and also Steve Holmes a leader at the Church and a significant Philanthropist and Entrepreneur.

We also have had  many other out reaches to look all documented on our website;

Stoke, please come and visit if you are local!

We are also looking forward to the UCB leaders day 18th September with my colleague, whom I'm an Assocaite with Canon JJohn, who's coaching and friendship I have enjoyed and been honoured and grateful for, the day after my 52nd Birthday! I know, I don't look it!
Well I was pickled for years on hard drugs and The Lord has renewed my mind and youth!

We are then of to a dark island off the coast of Africa with our friends Pastors Bill and Roz Jeffrey's, for a break and doing some speaking! It Tenerife but that doesn't sound as spiritual!


Jill and Terry Eckersley are blessed and doing great, we celebrated my 52nd birthday with our dear friends and strategic partners at UCB with team and Jjohn and team. It was such a blessing to be with people who truly love us and celebrate us, not tolerate us! We would encourage you to also live the same. After a time of celebrating over a meal, cake, candles and sharing stories on my way back to our room I was being broadcast via UCBs Hearts Wide Open TV Show. Isn't it amazing now how we can share The Gospel and our testimonies of how Jesus is still in the business of ransoming, healing, restoring and forgiving people?

I was awoken with the words, Terry's on television last week, I was sharing " it's time to flourish" again via UCB TV God-spots,! We have visited 3 Prisons in the last quarter and seen many people come to faith in Christ and turn there lives over to Him, this has been so moving, exciting, and an honour. We are continuing to visit Prisons, and announce a really exciting initiative. We have produced a DVD That is a resource for Chaplains in UK Prisons to start with. This DVD COVERS salvation, apprenticeship/discipleship and biblical keys I applied to allow Gods great plan unfold in my life, it encourages the viewer to do the same. I will share an endorsement from a Prison Chaplain and JJohn, who I'm an associate minister and he's a coaching/mentoring friend.

We are also looking forward to meetings across the UK and Europe with bookings now into 2014, you can see these events on section of our website, it would be great to see you at one if you can make it and we are in your area.

We are pressured for funds to complete this project,!
£2000.00 needed to start distribution
Could you please consider and action giving into the DVD initiative, this is an amazing opportunity to help bring a spiritual awakening into our Prisons and the least of these with the Gospel. When God gets hold of someone who needs much forgiveness they really do serve Him then with much love and become world shakers and history makers. You can send cheques, give me a call, donate online, it's safe, secure and through Christian Stewardship Services, we are accountable and transparent.

You may want to support us on a monthly basis, we/you can get gift aid on all donations.
Thanks for ALL you ARE and DO, we continue to pray the victory of Jesus and The Cross into every area of your lives.
It means so much to me to know that you have such a great heart for the Lost the Least and the Broken. Every one of the people that you spoke with the last time you came for a visit felt very blessed and that you really did care for them. Thanks also for the wonderful news re the Chaplains resource pack. Wow, what a blessing.
May the Lord richly bless you.
Yours in Christ
Rev. Shawn Verhey

Anglican Co-ordinating Chaplain HMP YOI Thorn Cross Arley Road Appletonthorn

Norwich November 2013

Worth Reading, I Think!
Three Amazing Days
Message from Barrie Lawrence who hosted us at Norwich.

It was some months ago that we asked Terry Eckersley if he would speak at Norwich FGB (he was recommended by Peter Gladwin, ) who was probably the most anointed speaker we have had at FGB this year – and we have had good speakers). Then Terry’s time with us was extended to 3 days, with FGB Friday evening, a meeting at St Stephens Church in the centre of Norwich, in partnership with Radical Church, on the Saturday evening, and meetings with Liberty at our home Sunday morning, and at Spixworth Sunday evening. Great!
The meetings were given publicity by Network Norwich, which serves Norfolk churches and Christians online, and by the Eastern Daily Press, our local newspaper. We made it known through our email lists (FGB and Liberty) and put out flyers. We emailed and telephoned with Terry, and prayed towards the weekend of meetings.
A few days before the weekend, things started going wrong. And the day before the first (FGB) meeting, our telephone system went down. Bear in mind that I was taking the bookings for the FGB dinner at which Terry was speaking, and this was the time for last minute bookings and cancellations. BT said they would talk me through it (over my mobile) and had me empty a cupboard, climb in, and flick a switch. There was no switch. It was dusty. It was cramped. Then the mobile signal went. Eventually one of our 7 extension phones was working, which was better than nothing.
The next morning was the day of the first meeting. I read my Bible with Wendy and we prayed. I then read by myself, and it was the story of Abraham taking Isaac up Mount Moriah to sacrifice him, only to return to a life of true blessing, with Isaac resulting in Jacob, Israel, 12 sons, 12 tribes and a Saviour. What was God saying to me? What might I sacrifice? What might I then receive? I looked at the BBC news, and then at the Stock Market. The first three digits of the Footsie were 666! It wouldn’t normally bother me (I am not superstitious) but I sensed a divine warning on this occasion. Then the telephone rang. It was Terry Eckersley’s wife to say that Terry, who is never ill, was ill. Very ill. Unable to get out of bed. At his home in Yorkshire. And Terry, who had never cancelled a meeting, was cancelling the whole 3 days of meetings.
Strangely, by the grace of God, I did not panic. I felt I knew what was going on, and that all would be well. I emailed FGB chaps and asked for prayer to be made.  Wendy and I had a short appointment to get to, and….. the garage doors would not open. We were getting late. We got them open after a while, and then they would not close. Eventually we got them closed. Back home a little later, I went for a prayer walk round the village. What should we do at FGB that evening?What would we do for a speaker on Saturday evening? – people were expecting Terry! And Sunday morning and Sunday evening? I sat down and drafted out some ideas. I was still strangely calm – I sensed that something good was going to come out of this.
12.30 pm. The (repaired) telephone rang. “Hi. This is Terry. You been praying? I suddenly got better. Really better. Amazing. I’ll freshen up and drive down. Now. Yes – from Rotherham. See you.”
Friday evening. Lots of last minute bookings. Loads of people coming forward for prayer, healing, etc.
Saturday evening. So many people. 150? More? Awesome praise and worship, anointed preaching, so many people responding to the message.

Sunday morning. We broke bread at our home, remembered Calvary, thanked Jesus for all he is doing.
Sunday evening. Church full – nearly! Many responding to the message.
Later that evening, sitting at home around 10.30 pm, Terry speaks to his wife via FaceTime with his iPad. He jumps up, laughing. “I’m not going to bed here after all tonight. I’m going home.” We pray. He jumps in his car – the security system starts wailing! He drives up to our gate waving, out onto the lane – and back to Rotherham.
Goodbye and Thankyou Terry! Thank you Jesus!
Share !

I have just returned from an amazing trip to India with compassion uk. We have sponsored a child for years, from the poorest of the poor. It was an honour and privalidge to travel with Justin Dowd, Ian the CEO, Graham Kendrick, and other major donors. to see the work of compassion was really moving. I saw the mud built homes/rooms 6 people families live in. From sponsoring a child they get fed, clothed, schooled in a four part curriculum, spiritual-led to Christ and discipled, education, health and social training and are part of a local church. often the whole family come to faith in Christ and attend the local church! an infrastructure is raised up from grassroots providing training, empowerment, employment and they take responsibility for the projects, it was deeply moving. I got to see the work and minister to many young people and teams and churches. Terry Eckersley will be promoting the work of compassion and acting as an ambassador for them. I call it ” intelligent missionary work! ” it was really moving to visit the continued work of mother Theresa, I asked a sister, ” do you need medical qualifications to do this work. ” she answered…….. ” two hands to serve and one heart to love! ” I was moved to tears. We complicate things so much. Continue to pray for us as we share the. Gospel and promote the work of I’m writing this from our other strategic partners at helping pioneer Christian TV in Bulgaria and. Europe. Then winding down for C heist as, it’s been a fruitful year, leading people to Christ ALL over the uk, Europe, India, USA. Rest and soak in His prescence this Christmas season. Terry and Jill Eckersley.I have just returned from an amazing trip to India with compassion uk. We have sponsored a child for years, from the poorest of the poor. It was an honour and privalidge to travel with Justin Dowd, Ian the CEO, Graham Kendrick, and other major donors. to see the work of compassion was really moving. I saw the mud built homes/rooms 6 people families live in. From sponsoring a child they get fed, clothed, schooled in a four part curriculum, spiritual-led to Christ and discipled, education, health and social training and are part of a local church. often the whole family come to faith in Christ and attend the local church! an infrastructure is raised up from grassroots providing training, empowerment, employment and they take responsibility for the projects, it was deeply moving. I got to see the work and minister to many young people and teams and churches. Terry Eckersley will be promoting the work of compassion and acting as an ambassador for them. I call it ” intelligent missionary work! ” it was really moving to visit the continued work of mother Theresa, I asked a sister, ” do you need medical qualifications to do this work. ” she answered…….. ” two hands to serve and one heart to love! ” I was moved to tears. We complicate things so much. Continue to pray for us as we share the. Gospel and promote the work of I’m writing this from our other strategic partners at helping pioneer Christian TV in Bulgaria and. Europe. Then winding down for Christmas, it’s been a fruitful year, leading people to Christ ALL over the uk, Europe, India, USA. Rest and soak in His prescence this Christmas season.
Terry and Jill Eckersley.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Jill and terry eckersley September 2013 faith, hope and love


Jill and Terry Eckersley are blessed and doing great, we celebrated my 52nd birthday with our dear friends and strategic partners at UCB with team and Jjohn and team. It was such a blessing to be with people who truly love us and celebrate us, not tolerate us! We would encourage you to also live the same. After a time of celebrating over a meal, cake, candles and sharing stories on my way back to our room I was being broadcast via UCBs Hearts Wide Open TV Show. Isn't it amazing now how we can share The Gospel and our testimonies of how Jesus is still in the business of ransoming, healing, restoring and forgiving people?

I was awoken with the words, Terry's on television last week, I was sharing " it's time to flourish" again via UCB TV God-spots,! We have visited 3 Prisons in the last quarter and seen many people come to faith in Christ and turn there lives over to Him, this has been so moving, exciting, and an honour. We are continuing to visit Prisons, and announce a really exciting initiative. We have produced a DVD That is a resource for Chaplains in UK Prisons to start with. This DVD COVERS salvation, apprenticeship/discipleship and biblical keys I applied to allow Gods great plan unfold in my life, it encourages the viewer to do the same. I will share an endorsement from a Prison Chaplain and JJohn, who I'm an associate minister and he's a coaching/mentoring friend.

We are also looking forward to meetings across the UK and Europe with bookings now into 2014, you can see these events on section of our website, it would be great to see you at one if you can make it and we are in your area.

We are pressured for funds to complete this project,!
£2000.00 needed to start distribution
Could you please consider and action giving into the DVD initiative, this is an amazing opportunity to help bring a spiritual awakening into our Prisons and the least of these with the Gospel. When God gets hold of someone who needs much forgiveness they really do serve Him then with much love and become world shakers and history makers. You can send cheques, give me a call, donate online, it's safe, secure and through Christian Stewardship Services, we are accountable and transparent.

You may want to support us on a monthly basis, we/you can get gift aid on all donations.
Thanks for ALL you ARE and DO, we continue to pray the victory of Jesus and The Cross into every area of your lives.
It means so much to me to know that you have such a great heart for the Lost the Least and the Broken. Every one of the people that you spoke with the last time you came for a visit felt very blessed and that you really did care for them. Thanks also for the wonderful news re the Chaplains resource pack. Wow, what a blessing.
May the Lord richly bless you.
Yours in Christ
Rev. Shawn Verhey

Anglican Co-ordinating Chaplain HMP YOI Thorn Cross Arley Road Appletonthorn

Terry and jill eckersley summer 2013

Summer 2013 Sunny, Smiling Update!

Hi, our dear friends,

We have had a really fruitful, fun and effective Summer! With a couple of challenges that we overcame with faith, friendship and prayer, our trusted car, got sick and died!

It was missing on one cylinder for you who are mechanically minded, this seemed minor but after going through changing plugs, spark ones! Leads, jump not dog ones and coils, it wouldn't get better, so we had to let it die, we didn't want to & couldn't anyway through good money at an uncertainty, but..........Thanks be to God, the finance came in to buy Jill's favourite car a more modest yet funky street KA, 1.6 injection, so we can get around the UK doing what Gods called us to do. Sharing the simple, yet powerful Gospel message, coupled with my testimony & humour. Jill and I often travel together and Jill often does musical items, worship songs, from her self titled Secret Place debut album. We have been seeing an incredible response. I would not be alive without this same message and life of Gods grace, healing power and love.


We have had a fruitful time in three prisons, Thorncross, Nottingham and Feltham.

Thorncross was on the back of a taskjesus outreach we did, where 12 of my old school friends came to hear my testimony and respond to The Gospel, this was very moving, amazing and a real blessing. Others also responded to the Gospel and we prayed for the sick.
The Prison event was open air, many came and heard my story and responded to the altar call, a worship band was Compassion from Manchester also in with us, who helped with praying with us and the Chaplaincy team under the leadership of Anglican Chaplain Shawn  who is doing an amazing job.

Nottingham Prison, again, I shared my testimony and many prisoners responded fervently to the invitation for Salvation, really hungry, and God moved and met many men and the  officers, where also encouraged and really responsive!

We had a great time in Feltham YOI, Youth Offenders Institute, the largest in Europe. I spoke at both Sunday services and we saw 24 young men respond to Salvation, many lung fatherless, gang members, looking for love and affirmation, as I was, who could relate to my story and a loving God, who saves, heals and provides. We then went on to do some " True Apprenticeship" coaching, discipleship, many more came back and brought there friends, to become disciples, leaders and followers of Christ. Please continue to pray for these men and the Chaplain Matt Boyes, and his team who are doing an outstanding job.

This has inspired us to do a very simple training DVD pack for Chaplains and Prisoners FREE! We can get the Gospel and discipleship message  told in a user friendly way, by me, who has proved that trusting and following Jesus works. We have done this with many other friends and partners and look forward to releasing this soon. It has themes such as new beginnings, true apprenticeship, career, calling, destiny, new family, friends and partners, etc, basically all people need for a new start in Christ. We also share other organisations, Churches and ministries that can help support Prisoners upon release. If you want to help with the cost of producing and distributing this, you can do this easily via the website. We really appreciate any financial support you can give to this. We will also give a gift of this to anyone who is excited with us and wants to get on board with this amazing initiative.

Jill and I have also just returned from Calvary Church with our friends and AOG  Pastors  Richard and Joyce Hill.  We did three meetings over the weekend, an outreach on the Friday followed by a men's lunch and a Sunday morning celebration. This was truly inspiring, a woman was healed of deafness in one ear, who was translated to by The Pastors wife! God really moved and blessed His people. This was as Jill was singing an item at the altar call, it was in the moment, powerful, wonderful and the Church went wild!

We are now Born Ready for a weekend of meetings with our friends from The Arena Church a vibrant, growing amazing Church at Derby and Ilkerston, who have just bought a cinema to convert to a Church and community centre. We are honoured and excited to be with our friends Pastors Kristian Thorpe, his wife and team.

We also have many other out reaches to look forward to all documented on our website;

Stoke, please come and visit if you are local!

We are also looking forward to the UCB leaders day 18th September with my colleague, whom I'm an Assocaite with Canon JJohn, who's coaching and friendship I have enjoyed and been honoured and grateful for, the day after my 52nd Birthday! I know, I don't look it!
Well I was pickled for years on hard drugs and The Lord has renewed my mind and youth!

We are then of to a dark island off the coast of Africa with our friends Pastors Bill and Roz Jeffrey's, for a break and doing some speaking! It Tenerife but that doesn't sound as spiritual!

Please pray for us and we pray for you, we really appreciate ALL you ARE and DO.

Much love,

Terry and Jill Eckersley

Who is Terry Eckersley ? visit: Terry lives in the north of the UK. He is blissfully married to Jill an accomplished stylist, recording artist & worship leader and they have known each other 20 years and been married 5. Terry became a Christian in 1992 after a powerful conversion from a cycle of brokenness, drugs, crime & prison, this then led to healing & total redemption into extraordinary success. Then serving his way to CEO in Christian Charity & media helping people all around the world documented in his prolific autobiography "Born Ready ". Terry has been described as a tonic, humorous, high energy, yet vulnerable and relational. He has a strong gift of encouragement & shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him. Terry Eckersley is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, with deep insight helps people to discover spiritual vitality in a humorous, friendly & powerful way that brings life and healing. A graduate of 2 Bible Colleges including Hillsong Leadership College. To date, he has completed many speaking, media, radio & TV engagements at Churches, conferences, towns, cities and Prisons in many countries & on 3 continents. Terry has published books, songs & music all around the world, on many platforms & mediums. An ambassador for Compassion UK & associate evangelist with JJohn & The Philo Trust.

Who is Terry Eckersley ?

Terry lives in the north of the UK. He is blissfully married to Jill an accomplished stylist, recording artist & worship leader and they have known each other 20 years and been married 5. Terry became a Christian in 1992 after a powerful conversion from a cycle of  brokenness, drugs, crime & prison, this then led to healing & total redemption into extraordinary success. Then serving his way to CEO in Christian Charity  & media helping people all around the world documented in his prolific autobiography "Born Ready ". Terry has been described as a tonic, humorous, high energy, yet vulnerable and relational. He has a strong gift of encouragement & shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him. Terry Eckersley  is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, with deep insight helps people to discover spiritual vitality in a humorous, friendly & powerful  way that brings life and healing. A graduate of 2 Bible Colleges including Hillsong Leadership College.
To date, he has completed many speaking, media, radio & TV engagements at Churches, conferences, towns, cities and Prisons in many countries & on 3 continents. Terry has published books, songs & music all around the world, on many platforms & mediums. An ambassador for Compassion UK & associate evangelist with JJohn & The Philo Trust.